Inhouse vs. Outsource IT Services
There are a number of reasons that you might consider hiring a business IT consultant for your business. Perhaps your IT skills are insufficient for the problems that you are experiencing, maybe you’ve been relying on one of your more tech-savvy employees to help with IT issues and it’s impeding them from doing their job or maybe it’s just because your business and your employees are suffering due to your ongoing tech problems.
When it comes to hiring an IT technician you have two options, you can employ somebody as a staff member or you can outsource the service to a business IT consultant like Mobile Computer Services. The decision will come down to your needs and what will work for your business both practically and financially. We’ve outlined some of the advantages and disadvantages of inhouse vs. outsource IT services.
In house IT support
+ Specialised knowledge. When you have an IT employee on site they will get to know your staff, your system and your needs personally. This can make fixing issues within that employee’s knowledge base simple.
+ Available immediately. An in-house IT technician is available to fix tech issues when you need them so long as they don’t have a long list of problems ahead of yours. An in-house IT professional is good for those times when you need somebody right now.
– Training is expensive. Technology is constantly changing. In order for your IT technician to stay up to date with the latest in technology they will need to take part in regular courses and training which your business should cover.
– Cost vs. Need. Paying a full time or part time salary to an IT technician is costly and if your IT needs are fluctuating you may be paying an employee for a lot of downtime. Before you employ an in-house IT technician you will need to make sure your needs are ongoing to be sufficient for the costs of a paid salary.
– Holidays and Sick Days. When your IT technician is unwell or takes leave your IT issues don’t go away. Covering for when your IT help isn’t there can be difficult and may require you to outsource anyway.
– Expertise. The world of technology is diverse and varied. Even the most experienced business IT consultant isn’t an expert in all areas. If you want to cover all of your bases it might be worthwhile hiring more than one consultant.
Outsourced IT support
+ Cost Effective. With an outsourced business IT consultant you have a lower ongoing cost for their services. Many agree that outsourcing is the most cost-effective way for a majority of small-medium business needs.
+ Outsourced services work on a contractual basis. This means that the outsourced technicians are contractually bound to response and resolution times. This isn’t necessarily the case for in-house technicians who work for a salary. For this reason, using outsourced IT support will ensure your IT issues are fixed properly and in a timely manner. Furthermore, you won’t have to worry about sick days or holidays with an outsourced business IT consultant, there will always be somebody to come out to fix your issue.
+ Don’t pay for downtime. If your IT needs are limited or inconsistent then why pay a salary to an IT employee when they don’t have much to do? Paying for downtime doesn’t make sense when attempting to stick to budgets for small-medium business.
– Potential lack of personalisation. When you use an outsourced IT company for your tech repair needs you can’t be guaranteed that you will receive the same consultant each time. With Mobile Computer Services we will assign a consultant to your business so that you can benefit from developing a business relationship with this consultant. However, if you have a specific problem and we believe an individual has more specific expertise for the problem then you may deal with a different consultant.
– Waiting time. When using an off site business IT consultant you may have to wait a little longer than if you had an IT consultant working in the office downstairs. If you have constant and ongoing IT needs that require an immediate response then hiring an in house professional may be more advantageous to your business needs.
If you’re tired of relying on Google troubleshooting to solve your computer problems or your business is suffering from wasted time rebooting, having trouble syncing or repeatedly smashing ctrl-alt-delete you may need an IT professional to take over. Our team of tech experts have been assisting businesses with their IT needs for the past 25 years. If you’re looking for a professional, experienced and cost-effective service for your business IT needs then look no further than Mobile Computer Services. Call us today to discuss your business needs.